Mr. Holder
9/25/2013 10:36:07 pm
GUIDING QUESTION: What might be the symbolism behind the differing physical features of the gods from mythology. For example gods like Thor are usually depicted as muscular, but dumb, while gods like Loki are typically depicted as skinny and weak, but intelligent. How are these features and characteristics perceived by our society today? What stereotypes do we draw from them?
Erick Torres
9/26/2013 02:02:21 am
Today ost students are intellegent but also weak or skinny. The strong students are sometimes dumb. We usualy think that students or people are dumb or smart from their phisical aperiance.
Mr. Holder
9/26/2013 02:07:21 am
Erick! Awesome job being the first one to post. Remember to check over your post for spelling & grammatical errors and to make any corrections before you hit the "submit" button.
Sarah M.
9/26/2013 04:53:07 am
This is a common stereotype in many teenage dramas. Teenagers then take this to the real world, and they are wrond 50% of the time. Have you considered that maybe its a stereotypical way to let people know the "bad guy" right from the start?
Mr. Holder
9/26/2013 06:33:13 am
Sarah M.
10/8/2013 04:46:16 am
jesus lopez
10/10/2013 01:04:34 am
Leonel Escalera
10/10/2013 01:17:04 am
I agree with you because many people that are big and tough sometimes lack the inteligence of other people that are weak
Kaira Dominguez
9/26/2013 02:05:05 am
Our society today judge by looks. Thor "The Almighty", is big and strong, hard headed and fierce but thats does'nt mean hes "dumb". Looks dont change the personality or the way people think or are. We see Thor as the strong man who has protected us.
Noemi Galdean
10/10/2013 01:07:12 am
Kiara I agree with you becasue I mean many people do judge the book and I agree that people shouldn't judge anything becasue people haven't read the book so i see what your saying. I also see how people these days see that Thor was the one that protected us and how you said that looks don't change anything like your personality and thats exactly the question why do they put Thor as the powerful on and the mighty one?
Leonel Escalera
10/10/2013 01:11:52 am
I agree with you, people should not judge a book by its cover because you dont know what their cappable of doing.
Oscar Hernandez
10/10/2013 01:14:32 am
Kaira , you bring up really good points on how we as a culture now get the ideas of how we believe that muscular people are strong and protectant and how skinnier people are weak and dull.
Lisa Fasnacht
10/10/2013 01:16:22 am
I think what you said about people being judge by there looks its true because if your dressed or look a different way than others look down on you or they dont treat you the same as you would if it was someone who looked like the rest of the world
Renato Meza
10/10/2013 01:18:00 am
Kaira, you have a good argument on how you say that many people judge others on their looks and not on what they are capable of.
Nora DeLuna
10/10/2013 03:14:26 am
Kiara, I agree with you that we judge people by the way that they look. I think that you should be more specific on how we judge people, other than that good job.
Daniel Parra
9/26/2013 02:05:18 am
The diffrent physical featurs of the gods like thor are these ways because of what the people worshiped them for. For example thor was the god or war and lightning so it would be logical to see him strong rather than really skinny. On the other hand though we have loki who is wise but not very strong, he is mainly reconished for being smart, and when you see a smart person now a days you would expect to see a small skinny person who cant fight. so things havent changed alot people still expect to see strong and weak as they would before.
Oscar Hernandez
10/10/2013 01:10:36 am
Daniel i Agree with what you have to say about how the physical features from the Norse contribute today with our thoughts about people, in how their physical apearance reflect what they are capable of and how those stereotypes are still around today with us .
Renato Meza
10/10/2013 01:10:47 am
Daniel, I agree on what you said about how people today still look the same from before in the way they shaped life. Also about how this physical features affect us today in the way we look today.
Jesus Triana
10/10/2013 01:13:45 am
Daniel i think that your right and that people do believe what you have said. People think of a smart person as someone skinny which i believe is a stereotypical of people.
Ofe Fonseca
10/10/2013 03:16:26 am
Daniel you have a point but does it always matter if the person is strong or weak. They might seem weak but in reality they can be storng.So sometimes it can be that a person is weak and at the end she or he are but it can also be that the person might look weak but is strong
Brittney Olson
9/26/2013 02:05:37 am
A steriotype for Thor would be " All blonds are stupid". One steriotype for Loki now a days would be, " You can not be smart and stong". People today use those steriotypes in movies and by judging people when they first see them.
Sarah M.
10/8/2013 04:47:48 am
Could you elaborate on how stereotypes are formed from first glance. Are stereotypes the same thing as first imperessions?
Zehriah B.
10/10/2013 01:12:49 am
The streotype "all blondes are stupid" does not specifically go to all blondes in fact Thor is actually smarter than most blondes.Loki's stereotype "you can not be smart and strong" it proves that you cant be smart and strong either you have the brain or the muscles.
Nora DeLuna
10/10/2013 03:17:15 am
Brittney, you're right that everyone streotypes, but can you be more specific with what you are trying to say.
Lisa Fasnacht
9/26/2013 02:05:42 am
The symbolism behind the diffrent physical features of the Gods are to show there strangths in other ways. Thour is built muscular but is not smart showing that he might be good at win-ing wars and keeping a kindom in check. For Loki hes not muscular but he is smart so he would be good at running a kingdom and stradiges for war. These feateres and characteristics are percived by are socity as srong.
troy rodgers
9/26/2013 02:06:11 am
the way that god's are perceived modernly is around the same the big are dum the small are smart and manipulative.the gods are feard and respected
Julio Recio
10/10/2013 03:19:51 am
Troy I would have to start by saying check your spelling and grammer. Second gods are respected because of what they have done, not because they are feared.
Javier Carmona
9/26/2013 02:06:22 am
Thor is known for being strong bu dumb and Loki is skinny but intelligent. This shows how students are at school today.
jesus lopez
10/10/2013 01:06:45 am
Erick Torres
10/10/2013 01:08:47 am
You connected the movie Thore to students in school today. this verry true to studentd.
Jesse Mascarenas
10/10/2013 01:09:11 am
jesus lopez
10/10/2013 01:12:11 am
Linda S.
10/10/2013 01:15:16 am
Well that is not true for all students at school in this modern day because if your strong doesnt mean you dumb and if your skinny does mean your up to the person if they want to us thier brain to be intellgent.This a sterotype because its up to whether or not you're dumb or smart.
Zehriah B.
10/10/2013 01:15:55 am
Thor is known for more than being strong he's also known for being the god of thunder. Loki is also known for being the god of trickster and being a shape shifter.
Javier Carmona
10/10/2013 01:16:27 am
Aime Soto Avila
10/10/2013 03:11:45 am
Brittney Olson
10/10/2013 03:19:45 am
You did a good job explaing what student catorize other students by. Maybe next time explain what Thor and Loki might be judged by other then there looks.
9/26/2013 04:07:59 am
In the 21st centery we see today about intelligents are kids that come to school everyday not caring about what others think of them, so we see them as the "nerds". As for the others that take there time to get ready, always late, and not doing any work, we see them as "drop-outs". In todays sterotypes there are just two was you can see them by looking not at their best or on top of everything.
Mr. Holder
9/26/2013 04:15:45 am
Excellent use of the word "stereotypes" Sineka! But where do you think our ideas of these various stereotypes come from? How is it possible that some of the same stereotypes we have today can be seen in ancient myths and legends?
Noemi Galdean
10/10/2013 01:11:46 am
Sineka! I agree with you in what you are saying. I also see the fact about the sterotypes that there is today and how people see others as a bad and not a smart person and other people get looked down as a smart and good person. So i see what your saying becasue many people get judged by the way that they look or the way that they say something in diffrent ways. So yea i see what your saying.
Agustin H
10/10/2013 03:14:14 am
I agree with you in what you are saying. I also see the fact about the stereotypes that there is today and how people see others as a bad and not a smart person and other people get looked down as a smart and good person.
Ofe Fonseca
9/26/2013 04:08:30 am
Students our age are more different.Its hard to tell if the person is smart becuase they all start dreesing and actting the same way.Like when a boy drees like everybody else its harder to tell it that person is smart or is he strong unless you get to know them better.
Daniel Parra
10/10/2013 01:11:28 am
yeah ofe i can see what your saying but what if you see two people wearing the same thing and one is really but wile the other is really skinny with glasses and brace. which one do you think is strong and witch on do you think is smart. So sometimes it depends on physical features as well as knowing the person.
Pricilla Bustos
10/10/2013 01:15:10 am
I agree Ofe and Daniel. You see Daniel people are analzing way people dress and assume their the a "nerd" just becuase they wear glasses and or braces doesnt mean they are its just something they need to have on. This is a reason why we have bullying for judging without knowing.
Sineka Lounnivongsa
10/10/2013 03:18:58 am
I have to ask what do you mean everyone dresses the same? What about girls? Do girls also dress the same? Theres a lot of questions that go on in my head when I read your blog.Well if I can tell what your trying to say I can agree !
Aime Soto Avila
9/26/2013 04:08:41 am
Lisa Fasnacht
10/10/2013 01:07:25 am
I liked the fact that you took your time to brake down how society views people, and how you showed how people would view Thor do to his looks.
Javier Carmona
10/10/2013 01:09:34 am
renato mezas
10/10/2013 01:18:12 am
Why did u copy kaira
Jazmin heredia
10/10/2013 01:18:28 am
Did you copy Kaira's comment????
jazlyn medina
10/10/2013 01:19:00 am
Yes, I agree with you that our society judges more on our apperance or how people see us more then our actual knowledge.
Sineka Lounnivongsa
10/10/2013 03:13:51 am
I agree ! I liked the way you were talking about Thor the protecter, but what did you mean by Thor may or may not be "intelligent" ? Well I also liked how you said "Looks" change the way people think and see you today.
Shyla vgil
10/10/2013 03:14:07 am
I agree with you Aime, because it is true that people judge on our physical looks , and how we are towards society today.
Aime Soto Avila
10/10/2013 03:16:10 am
Renato and Jazmin, i didn't even know Kaira had the same thing but no I did not copy hers. Hers is more detailed.
Ofe Fonseca
10/10/2013 03:19:20 am
Amie I agree with what you are saying a person apperance does not matter.
Elias Quezada
10/10/2013 03:19:36 am
That's not true Aime you judged Thor as being dumb but maybe he's smart after all he is the god of thunder.
Kei-Sean Ware
9/26/2013 04:10:41 am
Now a days people use steriotypes to judge others. The way Thor would be judged is by " Thor is a buff guy who is ignorant ". The way Loki would be judged is by " Loki is a skinny nerd who cant play sports and gets bullied alot".
Deizhaeraun Reynolds
10/10/2013 01:16:22 am
This is true my African friend but Loki is much like the boy who cry wolf, a trickster that my thought on Loki though.
Adrian Pinon
10/10/2013 03:14:54 am
I agree with what you said and I like the way how you compared thor as a buff ingnorant person and loki as a skinny nerd who gets bullied and i liked how you said people use stereotypes to to judge others.
Julio Recio
10/10/2013 03:15:05 am
Kei-Sean i agree with you because people use steriotypes on what the physical appearance is on a person.
Shyla Vigil
9/26/2013 04:11:03 am
As a culture we tend to judge, before actually knowing someone. As an example, Thor is someone who is mighty, and strong, so we'd think of him as a hero, as for Loki we tend to descibe him as a weak person, but we don't know forsure which character they really are.
Aime Soto Avila
10/10/2013 03:14:32 am
Agustin Hernandez
10/10/2013 03:19:19 am
Elias Quezada
9/26/2013 04:26:29 am
These features are percieved by our society by our physical features. Some stereotypes are that skinny teens are considered nerds and strong muscular teens are considered jocksjust cause they work out at the gym and nerds study.
Mr. Holder
9/26/2013 04:34:20 am
Elias, great connection to our modern-day high school stereotypes around "nerds" and "jocks". If we apply these terms to the stories we have been reading and call Thor a stereotypical "jock" and Loki the stereotypical "nerd" how does that change our reading of the text? Do we see Loki's motives for what he does in a new light?
10/10/2013 01:05:16 am
this is verry true to todays common society.
Nora DeLuna
9/26/2013 04:27:03 am
In todays society a lot of people listen to stereotypes. Many think that since people wear glasses that they are smart and that they know everything, which its not always true. We tend to judge people by the way that they look. Just because someone looks the way they look doesnt always mean that they are smart or dumb.
Jazmin Heredia
10/10/2013 01:16:15 am
I agree with you about judging other people of of how they look. They should meet the person first,and then judge them.. Just because they look different from you, doesn't give you the right to criticize them.. They could have the same similarities or differences as you.. You never know. cx
Alexis Vallejos
9/26/2013 04:28:33 am
These features and characteristicts are perceived by our society by the way people look,say if someone was into sports most likely they wouldnt be at home up all night studying.As if there were a person who stayed to themselfs at school, and didnt socialize out of school would probably be at home studying or doing homework.
Briaunna Pryer
9/26/2013 04:28:33 am
People typically streotype others by the way they look. Thor was indeed strong, but you can be strong and smart at the same time it's not one or the other. Same goes for Loki, Loki wasn't "buff" but he was incredibly sly. I think people symbolize others like this because they think that there must be opposites but there can also be similarities as well.
Kaira Dominguez
10/10/2013 01:14:46 am
I agree with you Briaunna. But what do you mean by similarities? What type of similarities and opposites?
Elias Quezada
10/10/2013 03:13:20 am
That's true it depends on if they use their brain to be smart or not to use a brain making that person dumber.
Agustin Hernandez
9/26/2013 04:28:42 am
these features are prosived by our society because how people look and act like the jocks. Jocks are the most strongest people in the school and most fit but not the smartest unlike the nerds. nerds are smart but skinny and not athledic and also get bulled.
Jesus Triana
10/10/2013 01:17:46 am
Agustin i think your right the jocks would be like Thor who are strong and looked up to as a idol but the nerds like Loki are not looked up to and are not strong nor athletic.
Juan Barahona
10/10/2013 03:18:11 am
Augustin I also agree with the comment you said but you misspelled some words in your sentences like bullied and also you forgot to capitalize in the beginnig of your sentences.Also some people are strong and smart and some are skinny and dumb.
Sanjuana Ramirez
9/26/2013 04:29:18 am
In the 21st centery many people listen to sterotypes. Today we see students in which don't care about their looks and that care only about their education, we see them as nerds or geeks. Everyone begin to judge beacause of the way they dress. Others dont care much about school and only about their looks. In this centrey perople look into the physical apperances.
Mr. Holder
9/26/2013 04:43:01 am
Pricilla Bustos
10/10/2013 01:11:36 am
Now days everything is about the looks and not the intellegence. Intellegence and personality is what should matter.
Keisean Ware
10/10/2013 03:16:18 am
I agree sanjuana! This is how people judge in this century, but also occurs in moddern tme.
Melanie Martinez
9/26/2013 04:43:59 am
Stereotypes are always around us judging others. People in modern day live their lives by judging people by their physical apperance and seem to do it so often they do not even see that they are doing something harmful to others.
Brittney Olson
10/10/2013 03:13:36 am
Good job! Next time you should explain your thinking, and give us a examples of what you are saying.
Juan Barahona
9/26/2013 04:46:19 am
In these days people that are smart are skinny and people that are not that smart are depicted as being muscular. Like Thor is the dumb muscular one and Loki is the smart skinny and weak.A stereo type a lot of people know is smart people are the weak and people who are most likely dumb are the ones who are muscular and in sports.
Elias Quezada
10/10/2013 03:16:54 am
That's somewhat true Juan but some jocks are actually smart. People say that they are dumb because its just a stereotype.
Adrian Pinon
9/26/2013 04:46:34 am
The symbolism behind the differing physical features of the gods from mythology can some what relate to modern day people because usually the skinny and weak and nerdy looking people are usually the intellegent ones and the strong muscular people are usually the dumb one sthat need help with everything they can't figure out.
Keisean Ware
10/10/2013 03:20:56 am
I agree with you alot adrian especialy how you said "gods from mythology can some what relate to modern day people because usualy the skinny and weak and neardy looking people are intellegent".
Julio Recio
9/26/2013 04:47:06 am
The symbolism behind different physical features of gods is that they were gods for a reason. Thor is big, strong, and powerful. He was worshiped so people can go through things that are unlikely logic. People now a day judge on thier physical appearance. Unlike Thor that is big but unintelligent, Loki is skinny but smart. He over passes that fact that he is very different from Thor. Being strong isn"t always better. Being smart can get you frather in life than being strong. People take actions without knowing the other person. They don't think before they act. Never judge a book by its cover is the exact same thing as judging a person based on their looks.
Adrian Pinon
10/10/2013 03:21:52 am
I agree with what you said and I like the way you compare Thor and Loki to each andhow you said being strong isnt always better and that how being smart can get you further in life but you should go back and correct some of your spelling.
Mr. Daugs
9/26/2013 06:21:02 am
This reminds me a lot of the nerd/jock dichotomy in our society. So often we like to put people into these two categories; the imposing, physically fit yet intellectually challenged "jocks" who seem only to come to school for the sports, and the awkward, lanky (or overweight) but academically gifted "nerds."
Mr. Holder
9/26/2013 06:24:59 am
"Forget about stereotypes. There will always be folks that are bigger than others, and folks that get better grades. However, it should be everyone's goal to be as strong as Thor and clever as Loki. (Although maybe we should not be so mischievous. Could get us into trouble!)"
Asia Shields
9/30/2013 10:30:07 am
Mr. Daugs
troy rodgers
10/10/2013 01:16:06 am
we might try to be as smart as loki and as strong as thor but the truth is that the jocks/nerds will always be in different groups we can try to be like both but thare will be the many groups in life granted thare are people like both but not a lot
Deizheraun Reynolds
9/26/2013 06:34:58 am
The stereotypes that we draw from them is that skinny people who are sneaky and stuff are usally the ones who smart.Also the people who are big and buff are the guys/girls who doesn't really pay attention to there educations.Well that just my opinion on that stereotype..
Shyla vigil
10/10/2013 03:17:15 am
I disagree because just because are big and buff doesn't mean that they do not care about there education.
Aime Soto Avila
10/10/2013 03:22:10 am
Deizheraun, 9/26/2013 07:07:46 am
The difficulty of this question is that these stereotypes do have some basis in reality. People do not develop an identity in a vacuum; they are influenced by the ways in which others perceive (and judge) them.
Brittany Hambrick
9/26/2013 10:44:18 am
I think by having the muscular gods dumb and the skinny and weak god intelligent because they are trying to say something about society. Typically the people that are more focused on there body and power are less focused on the beauty of knowledge. On the other hand, those who are "weak and skinny" focus more on their knowledge than their physical appearance, because with intelligence you gain more respect than you do just by looking "pretty".
Mr. Holder
9/26/2013 10:50:06 pm
But which does our society value more: Beauty or intelligence?
Asia Shields
9/30/2013 01:33:21 am
Our society values beauty over intelligence, by far.
Federico Hernandez
9/30/2013 11:23:16 am
Well in our society people would value beauty over intelligence but people dont think about what intelligence can do for you, it willl also help you out in your future. Looks will fade away over time while intelligence stays in your head forever, even if you forget, it will come back to you.
Asia Shields
10/3/2013 10:21:48 am
~ Federico
Brittany Hambrick
10/13/2013 09:05:45 am
~Mr. Holder
Asia Shields
9/27/2013 09:01:39 am
Some classic stereotypes are like "Blonds are stupid", "Nerds are weak and skinny", "Asians are smart", "Women are not capable of anything, but being a house wife", and this list of common stereotypes could go on forever and ever. It's kind of sad how we judge people based on stupid stereotypes made by people who don't feel good about themselves, so they have to make others also feel just as bad as they do, it's commonly called bullying. These people are poor sick people that seriously need some major counseling.
Eddie Marmolejo
10/6/2013 11:16:53 pm
In my opinion, not only do people judge based on your physical appearance, but on their background knowledge of that person/thing too. If somebody were to predict me they would think of something I did or do and use that sort of like a "kickstart" to their inference...not everybody knows everybody else so of course its gonna be easy for others to judge based on appearance :0
Sheyly Flores
10/10/2013 01:16:56 am
In todays society there are stereotypes in movies about high school.For example,Thor is a jock which jocks are strong and not very intelligent.For, Loki is the nerd and nerds are smart but weak,just like Loki.
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