Ready Player One Audio Book: |
Guiding Questions
- Level 1 -
Chapter 0000:
For this journal entry into your reading log you are going to write a summary of chapter 0000. If you answer each of the questions below in complete sentences, and then write those sentences in paragraph form, using transitions where appropriate, you will have a complete summary.
1. Who is James Halliday? 2. What has he hidden? 3. What must be found in order to get at what Halliday has hidden? 4. What are egg hunters called? 5. What must egg hunters become experts in? 6. What has the narrator found? 7. WHo and what is Anorak? 8. What has caused the Earth to be in crisis? |
Chapter 0001:
As you did for chapter 0000, write a summary of chapter 0001. Your summary should be at least 8 sentences long. For this summary, I am not giving you questions to guide your thinking like I did for chapter 0000, forcing you to identify the most important events in the chapter.
Chapter 0002:
This is where the guiding question for chapter 0002 will go.
Chapter 0003:
Even though the setting of Ready Player ONe is in the future year of 2045, much of the story is rooted in the pop culture world of the 1980's. For this journal, write anything (and everything) you know about the 1980's. You may include references to movies, books, music, etc., but you also can include info about your family. For example, how old were your parents, or grandparents, in the 1980's?
Chapter 0004:
Wade describes the 21st century as "the dawn of a new era, one where most of the human race now spent all of their free time inside a video game." (5.42) Is that a world you would want to live in? Why or why not? What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks?
Chapter 0005:
OASIS stands for "Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation". Examine the etymology of each of the words in the system's name. What do they tell you about the functions of OASIS? Examine names from other fields of science. How are scientific names generated? What can the etymology of a scientific name tell you about an organism or object?
Chapter 0006:
Wade says he printed out a hard copy of the guide and keeps it in a binder. Heavens to Betsy! How big is this binder?! Wade told us earlier that this guide is over 1,000 pages long. That would be almost 10 pounds of paper that he is carrying around in his backpack. And he tells us he doesn't get a lot of physical exercise? Wade tells us about all of Halliday's favorite authors, movies, music, video games, etc. And Wade says he has read, watched, played, breathed, ate, and pooped them all. Not that we are counting, but that is well over 400 books, 300 hours of movies, and who knows how much TV and music. In four years! When he says he has "no life whatsoever" (6.49), he is not joking. What are the repercussions for Wade and others like him, even in our own society, who escape into a virtual world of video games, online social media, such as Facebook, Snapchat, etc.? What are the benefits? What are the dangers?
Chapter 0007:
This is where the guiding question for chapter 0007 will go.
Chapter 0008:
A lot happens in chapter 8. Write a detailed summary of the events in this chapter. Your summary should not be less than 8 sentences.
Chapter 0009:
Chapter 0010:
Chapter 0011:
Art3mis wants to know what Parzival would do with the money if he wins. The Earth is dead and both Art3mis and Parzival are scared for the future. They both have different ideas on how to use the prize money if they were to win. What are their different ideas on how to use the prize money and which idea do you think is better and why?
Look up the 1980's movie War Games. Read about the movie, or watch the movie online, if you can, and describe the movie along with its major themes. Then, explain how the movie's plot and themes may relate to this novel.
As Wade gets closer and closer to the second key, his feelings of thrill, elation, and adventure turn to dread and fear as he realizes that his life is in greater danger. Wade even has a nightmare where he is torn apart by an army of enemies. What does this prize, this treasure, at the end of Wade's quest symbolize, and why does it put Wade's life in such danger? What do you think motivates Wade to keep going?
Chapter 0012:
The media is ablaze the next morning with news that two people have found the copper key within hours of each other. It is kind of a big deal around the world. Aech finally gets a hold of Parzival (Wade), gushing about what a hero Parzival is going to be! Do you think Parzival will be a hero? Why or why not? What is a hero?
Chapter 0013:
In the previous chapter you wrote about whether or not Parzival has what it takes to be a hero. in this chapter, Parzival is offered endorsement deals and even receives over 5,000 emails from 101. What does it mean to "sell out"? and is Wade selling out in this chapter? If a person can be bought, does that mean they can't be a hero?
Chapter 0014:
Money can be power. The more money you have, the freer you are in life and in society. 101 wants the Halliday fortune so that the company can become even more powerful than they already are. Wade, though, turns down 101's offer of money and power. He chooses not to be a sell out. There are different types of power, though. What types of power does Wade gain by turning down the money?
Chapter 0015:
What is getting in the way of the "High Five" working together? Do you think they should work together or are they correct to go it alone? -- What is up with the stack of comic books falling over? What do you think it means?
Chapter 0016:
What drives Wade to persevere even when the odds are stacked against him? Where do you draw the line between perseverance and insanity?
- Level 2 -
Chapter 0017
Compose a summary of chapter 0017 in at least 8 sentences.
Chapter 0018
Compose a summary of chapter 0018 in at least 8 sentences.
Chapter 0019
Each morning, Wade goes through a work-out routine including sit-ups, crunches, push-ups, the works, because he had grown too fat to fit into his haptic suit, a full-body suit that lets its user feel the OASIS. During his workout, he sings a variety of '80s songs, saying "having the right '80s song lyric memorized might save my avatar's life someday" (19.45). A bit of foreshadowing, perhaps? What do you think this chapter foreshadows. Be detailed in your prediction.