Tips for students: (or How to be successful in Mr. Holder's class and in high school!)
- Come to school each day ready to learn! This means have paper and pencil, your books, your completed homework and be dressed appropriately.
- Eat breakfast!
- know the rules and procedures of the school and of your teachers' classrooms. Follow them!
- If you get in trouble, always, always, always, remember to be respectful and polite! Adults admire this, and it will often times save you!
- Be responsible and take responsibility for your own actions, even when they aren't good actions.
- How do you spell that?... Use a D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y!
- Go to bed each night at a responsible hour. This will help your brain work better the next day, help you be a better student, and keep you out of trouble when you aren't falling asleep in class! (By the way kids, this usually means going to bed around 9:00 p.m.!!!)
- Most importantly, be honest, kind, patient and treat others the way you would want to re treated. This is the key not only to being a successful student, but also to being a successful human being!